

2019-11-10 | 中国网


中国网11月9日讯 11月9日,由中国外文局指导,中国翻译协会主办的新中国翻译事业70年论坛暨2019中国翻译协会年会在北京举行。来自中央国家机关各部门、各省市自治区、港台地区以及亚洲、欧洲、北美、拉美等地10多个国家和地区的大型跨国企业、高等院校、研究机构、行业组织等领域的900多位代表参加会议。







国际译联主席凯文·夸克(Kevin Quirk)致辞。





会议期间举办了“新中国翻译事业70年掠影图片展”,发布了《2019中国语言服务行业发展报告》以及《译员职业道德准则与行为规范》《翻译服务培训要求》及《翻译服务采购指南 第2部分:口译》三项行业标准规范,举行了中国翻译协会与中国标准化研究院合作成立语言服务标准化工作委员会签约仪式,对第二批通过翻译行业服务认证的四家企业进行了认证授牌。


中国翻译协会年会是中国翻译界一年一度的盛会,已成为中国翻译和语言服务行业交流合作的重要平台,日益受到国际翻译界的关注和参与。本次大会以“砥砺奋进 守正创新”为主题,旨在总结新中国70年来我国语言服务和翻译事业取得的辉煌成就,推动翻译与语言服务行业守正创新,提高服务国家发展大局与国际传播能力建设的能力,促进中外语言服务合作与交流。大会的成功召开对于全面总结新中国成立以来翻译事业的光辉历程和发展成就,团结引领翻译界紧密围绕新时代党和国家工作大局,更好服务国际传播能力建设和对外话语体系建设,更好向世界介绍新时代的中国起到积极推动作用。(作者:申阳)

Gathering of top translators pledges to improve China's communication with the world

The Translators Association of China (TAC) held its annual conference in Beijing on Nov. 9-10.

The conference attendees, including officials, researchers and TAC members from China and abroad, reviewed China's achievements in its language services and translation cause since the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. Attendees also discussed how to foster new progress in the industry, so as to better serve the country's overall development, as well as improve its efforts to communicate more effectively with the world. 

In a speech at the opening ceremony of the conference, Guo Weimin, vice minister of the State Council Information Office (SCIO), said that China's translation cause has, over the past 70 years, developed hand in hand with the development of the country and played a key role in telling Chinese stories to the world and promoting China's international exchanges. 

Looking into the new era, Guo called for the association to continue shouldering the honorable mission to introduce China to the world and promote its cooperation and mutual learning with other countries. He also called for the association to innovate and improve existing translation theories and systems with Chinese characteristics, as they had successfully done over previous decades. 

Du Zhanyuan, president of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG), said that over the past 70 years, China had made great achievements in international communication, cultural exchanges and the construction of its discourse system. 

Du noted that the country should strengthen the construction of its discourse system, the cultivation of its high-end translation talent, as well as the application of cutting-edge technologies to meet the challenges of the new era. 

As a professional association of translators in China, the TAC has long been committed to promoting the development of China's translation cause. Together with the Chinese Academy of Translation and other organizations, it has focused on integrating translation resources, gathering translation talent, and developing a standardized discourse system, Du said. 

Zhou Mingwei, president of the TAC, thanked those who had devoted themselves to pushing the development of China's translation in his opening remarks. 

During the past 70 years, China's translators have played an important role in promoting the country's international exchanges, Zhou said. 

He pointed out that translators should be aware of the historic opportunities and challenges they face, stay true to professionalism, and work together to grow the overall industry and make it more standardized. 

Kevin Quirk, president of the International Federation of Translators, was also among the distinguished guests speaking at the opening ceremony. 

Quirk highly recognized the theme of this year's TAC annual conference. "Every time I have attended the TAC Conference, I have been extremely impressed by the themes you have chosen for your conferences, and this year's theme – Translation in China – 70 Years of Development – is indeed no exception, mirroring as it does 70 years of development of the People's Republic of China." He said. 

During the ceremony, the TAC launched "A Handbook to Translating Chinese Political Terms," which is the first of its kind and is expected to help standardize the translation of Chinese political terms. Many political terms are ingrained in Chinese history and culture, but often pose obstacles for foreigners trying to understand Chinese political wisdom. 

The association also released the "Report on the Development of the Language Services Industry and Belt and Road Language Services in 2019, as well as its "Industrial Standards and Specifications". 

During the ceremony, Cao Du, Gu Jinpin, Lin Hongliang, Wang Nongsheng, and Wang Zhiliang were awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation, the top honor conferred by the association, for their contributions to promoting translation and cultural exchanges between China and the world; and another 77 people won the honorary title of veteran translators. 

More than 30 parallel sessions on China's international communication, language services and translation were also held on the sidelines of the conference. 

Experts who attended these events said that the annual conference of the TAC this year, which coincides with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, is of vital importance for industry insiders and researchers to build on what has been achieved so far. This can then help foster new developments in the field of translation, as both an art and a cause that is destined to assume greater significance with the development of China. Experts also agreed that the reports and industrial standards that the association released will lay the foundation for the structure of a new discourse system with Chinese characteristics.