

2023-09-11 | 当代中国与世界研究院、中国翻译研究院



This year’s CIFTIS revolves around the theme of “Opening up leads development, cooperation delivers the future.”  


Trade in services is a pivotal component of international trade, and the services sector plays a vital role in international economic and trade collaboration.


This year marks the 45th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. China will remain committed to promoting high-standard opening up and advancing Chinese modernization on all fronts through high-quality development, thereby providing new opportunities for openness and cooperation across the world.


In developing the services sector and trade in services, China is ready to work with all countries and all parties to advance inclusive development through openness, promote connectivity and integration through cooperation, foster drivers for development through innovation, and create a better future through shared services, in a bid to jointly get the world economy onto the track of sustained recovery.


China will create a more open and inclusive environment for development.

● 扩大面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络

● 积极开展服务贸易和投资负面清单谈判

● 扩大电信、旅游、法律、职业考试等服务领域对外开放

● 在国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区以及有条件的自由贸易试验区和自由贸易港率先对接国际高标准经贸规则

--to expand a globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas

--to conduct negotiations regarding the negative list for trade in services and investment

--to broaden opening up of services areas such as telecommunications, tourism, law and vocational examinations

--to prioritize the national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector as well as eligible pilot free trade zones and the free trade port in the alignment of policies with high-standard international economic and trade rules


China will strengthen the bond of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

● 加强同各国的发展战略和合作倡议对接

● 深化同共建“一带一路”国家服务贸易和数字贸易合作

● 促进各类资源要素跨境流动便利化

--to enhance synergy with development strategies and cooperation initiatives of various countries

--to deepen cooperation on services trade and digital trade with Belt and Road partner countries

--to facilitate the cross-border flow of resources and production factors


China will also strengthen innovation-driven development.

● 加快培育服务贸易数字化新动能

● 推动数据基础制度先行先试改革

● 促进数字贸易改革创新发展

● 建设全国温室气体自愿减排交易市场

--to accelerate the cultivation of new drivers for the digitalization of services trade

--to implement pilot reforms on basic data systems 

--to promote the development of digital trade through reform and innovation

--to establish a national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market


China will share the fruits of its modernization drive with the rest of the world.

● 着力扩大国内需求

● 加快建设强大国内市场

● 主动扩大优质服务进口

● 鼓励扩大知识密集型服务出口

--to vigorously boost domestic demand

--to accelerate the building of a robust domestic market

--to take the initiative to increase the imports of quality services

--to encourage more exports of knowledge-intensive services



The world economy thrives on openness and withers in seclusion.