2025-01-07 | 当代中国与世界研究院
1. 实现现代化是近代以来人类社会发展的主旋律。什么是现代化?什么是中国式现代化?二者之间有何联系?
2. 如何理解中国式现代化具有各国现代化的共同特征?
3. 有国外民众认为中国还需几个世纪才能实现中国式现代化。实现中国式现代化的总体安排和路径是什么?
4. 如何理解实现中国式现代化与社会主义初级阶段之间的关系?
5. 实现中国式现代化对中国未来发展有何影响?
6. 在中国式现代化新征程上,我国面临的问题有哪些?
7. 中国目前仍然存在明显的贫富差距、东西差距、城乡差距、精物差距(指精神文明与物质文明),中国式现代化演进中如何解决这些问题?
8. 有人认为中国式现代化仅涉及经济实力和人民的生活水平,法治的落实、信息的透明、社会的多元与开放、人民的个人权利获得保障等元素未被纳入,因此不是全面意义上的现代化。对此如何理解?
9. 中国的城镇化、工业化进程衍生出粮食安全、共同富裕、城乡工农关系失衡等一系列问题,这对中国经济社会发展以及实现现代化有何影响?
10. 如何理解中国共产党领导人民成功走出中国式现代化道路,创造了人类文明新形态?
General Understanding of Chinese Modernization
1. Question: Achieving modernization has been the main theme of the development of human society since modern times. What is modernization? What is Chinese modernization? What is the relationship between the two?
Answer: Modernization is a global objective phenomenon. From the perspective of the development history of human society, the modernization process began in countries like Britain and other Western European nations in the 18th century, then expanded to North America, and became a global trend in the 20th century, particularly after World War II. Since its inception in Western countries, modernization has brought rapid progress to human society over the past few centuries, especially in the material realm, creating more wealth than the combined total in the previous times, and has drastically reshaped the whole world in an unprecedented manner.
Modernization generally refers to the historical development process in which a country or region constructs an overall modern society across various fields, such as politics, economy, society, culture, and ecology. It typically involves aspects such as industrialization, urbanization, scientific and technological progress, and cultural development. Achieving modernization has been the relentless pursuit of human society since modern times. It is an inevitable path for the development of all countries around the world, as well as an important means to enhance national economic and technological strength and achieve prosperity.
Chinese modernization contains elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context. It is the dialectical unity of the generality and particularity of modernization. From the perspective of the modernization development process, Chinese modernization shares common characteristics of modernization. It is part of the global modernization development process, and an important component of global modernization development. At the same time, it is a distinctive model of modernization, pioneered in practice by the Communist Party of China (the CPC) based on China’s national conditions, and therefore has its own unique characteristics.
Essentially, Chinese modernization is a socialist one led by the Communist Party of China. It is unique and different from capitalist modernization, and always adheres to the goals and direction of socialism. It is the modernization of a huge population, of common prosperity for all, of material and cultural-ethical advancement, of harmony between humanity and nature, and of peaceful development.
China is the largest developing country, and therefore, Chinese modernization is also the modernization of developing countries, creating a new path for latecomers to achieve modernization. Unlike the linear development sequence of industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, and informatization seen in the West, China promotes the parallel development of these four processes. The successful practice of Chinese modernization demonstrates that the Western path to modernization is not the only route for humanity. The Chinese path to modernization represents an expansion of the avenues available to developing countries to achieve modernization, offering a new choice for nations that wish to accelerate development while maintaining their independence.
2. Question: How should we understand that Chinese modernization share common characteristics with the modernization of other countries?
Answer: The history of modernization across various countries around the world shows that modernization, as a global trend and movement in the development of human society, presents not only the particularities and characteristics of modernization in different countries, but also the common features of modernization across different countries. The common characteristics of modernization across various countries worldwide are inseparable from the particularities and characteristics of modernization in different countries. These common characteristics are embedded within the particularities and characteristics of modernization in different countries and are determined by the universal laws of modernization. It is generally believed that these common characteristics include industrialization in the production sector, marketization in the economic sector, democratization in the political sector, rationalization in the cultural sector, rule of law in the social sector, urbanization in the living sector, and greening in the ecological sector. Generally speaking, a country or region will have these common characteristics in its modernization.
As one of the models of modernization, Chinese modernization naturally possesses the common characteristics of modernization across various countries. As President Xi Jinping stated: “Chinese modernization suits China’s realities and respects the laws governing socialist development and human progress.” Like other countries that have undergone modernization, China has experienced or is experiencing industrialization, urbanization and informatization. For example, in 2023, China’s manufacturing added value accounted for about 30% of the global total, ranking first in the world for 14 consecutive years. China’s urbanization rate increased from 26.4% in 1990 to 63.9% in 2020. In 2023, China’s internet penetration rate reached 77.5%, with approximately 1.092 billion internet users. These figures reflect a series of transformations in our production and lifestyle, social relations, ways of thinking and social structure, embodying both the universal laws governing human progress and the elements common to the modernization processes of all countries. As the modernization of a latecomer, Chinese modernization aims to recover the “lost two hundred years” and make China a leader. On the one hand, it must leverage the advantages of being a latecomer, base itself on China’s realities, follow its own path, and comprehensively advance modernization with its own characteristics. On the other hand, it must draw on all the outstanding achievements of human civilization with an open and inclusive mindset, always adhere to the laws governing human progress, and grasp and promote the development of Chinese modernization within the trend of global modernization and the tide of the times.
3. Question: Some foreigners believe that China will need several centuries to achieve Chinese modernization. What is the overall plan and path for achieving Chinese modernization?
Answer: Chinese modernization carries the dreams of several generations of Chinese people. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has taken the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as its historical mission. Based on this fundamental mission, the Communist Party of China has explored the path and advanced the cause of Chinese modernization, and proposed the overall goal of building China into a great modern socialist country. In the process of advancing Chinese modernization, the Communist Party of China has based its efforts on the realities of our country and proposed different objectives and tasks at different periods.
In the early years after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the Communist Party of China proposed the development goal of modernization. In September 1954, China proposed for the first time the tasks of modernizing industry, agriculture, transportation and national defense. In 1964, it formally proposed the grand goal of modernizing agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology, known as the “Four Modernizations”. With the reform and opening-up, the strategic planning and implementation steps of Chinese modernization have become more detailed. In October 1987, China formulated the “Three-Step” strategy for modernization. The first step was to double the 1980 Gross National Product (GNP) by 1990; the second step was to further double the 1990 GNP by the end of the 20th century; and the third step was to ensure the people a relatively affluent life and achieve basic modernization by the mid-21st century. On this basis, in September 1997, China proposed a new “Three-Step” strategy. The first step was to double the 2000 GNP of the year 2000 by 2010, bring the people greater prosperity, and build a relatively complete socialist market economy system. The second step was to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, further develop the economy and have a full range of relevant systems in place by the time the CPC celebrates its centenary in 2021. The third step is to accomplish basic modernization and build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced socialist country by the time the People's Republic celebrates its centenary in 2049. As socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era, the timetable and road map for Chinese modernization became more comprehensive and multidimensional. In October 2017, based on the original goals, China proposed the goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and made a two-step strategic plan: basically realizing socialist modernization from 2020 to 2035; and building China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful from 2035 through the middle of this century.
Under the guidance of the above strategic arrangements, China had established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system by the end of the 1970s. The goals of the first two steps ahead of schedule had been achieved by the mid-1990s. By 2020, absolute poverty had been eliminated, and China completed the historical task of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and achieved the first centenary goal. Under the overall arrangement of Chinese modernization, China finished the industrialization process within just a few decades, a process that developed countries have spent hundreds of years to complete, and created the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. Now, China is on a new journey towards the second centenary goal, and it is bound to achieve its goal successfully and further create new miracles.
4. Question: How should we understand the relationship between the realization of Chinese modernization and the primary stage of socialism?
Answer: The realization of national modernization has been a dream pursued diligently by the Chinese nation since modern times. Chinese modernization is a tremendous achievement obtained through the arduous exploration and practice led by the Communist Party of China, involving immense effort and sacrifice by the people of all ethnic groups in China. The century-long struggle has powerfully proven that Chinese modernization is a justifiable and deliverable cause, and it is the only correct path to building a great country and advancing national rejuvenation. The 20th CPC National Congress proposed the central task of advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization.
The primary stage of socialism is an important theoretical and practical innovation of the Communist Party of China. The primary stage of socialism does not generally refer to the initial stage that any country entering socialism will experience, but specifically refers to the particular stage that China must go through in building socialism under the conditions of backward productivity and an underdeveloped commodity economy—from the basic completion of socialist transformation in 1956 to the basic realization of socialist modernization by the mid-21st century.
Proceeding from reality in everything, integrating theory with practice, and seeking truth from facts are the ideological lines established by the CPC in the long-term revolutionary and development practices. They are the most fundamental guiding principles and ideological foundations for the CPC in understanding, analyzing, and addressing problems. China is in the primary stage of socialism, which is the scientific judgment of the Communist Party of China on the current basic conditions of China. Chinese modernization is deeply rooted in these basic national conditions. Today, we are closer, more confident, and more capable than at any time in history of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, we must clearly recognize that our country is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time. Our country is still the world’s largest developing country, and the principal contradiction facing Chinese society is that between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing need for a better life. To vigorously promote Chinese modernization, we must base our efforts on this greatest reality, and comprehensively and deeply grasp the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements, and major principles of Chinese modernization. From the perspective of current conditions, the primary stage of socialism is the fundamental premise for achieving Chinese modernization. From the perspective of objectives and tasks, the task of the primary stage of socialism is to comprehensively achieve modernization. Therefore, the realization of Chinese modernization is an essential requirement for our country to move from the primary stage of socialism to a higher stage.
5. Question: What impact will Chinese modernization have on its future development?
Answer: The report of the 20th CPC National Congress clearly states: “To build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, we have adopted a two-step strategic plan: basically realize socialist modernization from 2020 through 2035; and build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful from 2035 through the middle of this century.”
Upon building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, our country will see overall progress in the material, political, cultural-ethical, social and ecological areas. The holistic approach to the Five-sphere Integrated Plan will have achieved landmark results. In terms of economic development, a high-quality development model and a high-level modern economic system will be fully established. The country’s innovation capability, social productivity and core competitiveness will rank among the top in the world, making China a major global scientific center, an innovation hub, and a significant source of technological achievements. In terms of political development, the modernization of the system and capacity of governance will be fully realized. The system of socialism with Chinese characteristics will be further consolidated, its advantages fully utilized, and a law-based country, government, and society will be in place in an overall manner. The whole-process people’s democracy will be fully realized, and socialist democratic politics will become more mature and complete. In terms of cultural development, ideals, beliefs, values and ethos that are compatible with a great modern socialist country will be formed throughout the society. The creative vitality of the culture of the entire nation will be fully unleashed, and the civilized quality of citizens and the level of social civilization will be significantly improved, and the Chinese spirit, values, and strength will be further highlighted globally. In terms of social development, the common prosperity for all will be basically achieved. High-quality and full employment will be realized throughout society, and China will rank among the top in the world in terms of the fairness of income distribution. Urban and rural residents will generally have high incomes, affluent lives, and sound basic public services. The society will be vibrant yet orderly. In terms of ecological civilization, the goal of Beautiful China will be fully realized, with a beautiful ecological environment becoming the norm, characterized by blue skies, green lands, clear waters, and lush mountains. It will be the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, making China a global leader in ecological and environmental protection.
Upon becoming a great modern socialist country in all respects, China will achieve comprehensive progress in its economic and social sectors, and the country’s “hard power” and “soft power” will be fully enhanced. The material life of the people will become more affluent, and their cultural-ethical life will become richer. By that time, the Chinese nation, with its 5,000-year-old civilization, will be rejuvenated with unprecedented vitality and stand tall among the nations of the world with a more vigorous posture.
6. Question: What are the issues faced by China on the new journey of Chinese modernization?
Answer: Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have adopted a number of strategic measures, developed a range of transformative practices, and made a series of breakthroughs and landmark advances. We have withstood risks, challenges, and trials in the national security, political, economic, ideological, and natural domains, secured historic achievements and seen historic changes in the cause of the Party and the country. We have thereby provided a more complete institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and a more proactive mental force for Chinese modernization, propelling China onto a new journey towards a great modern socialist country in all respects.
While fully acknowledging the remarkable achievements of the CPC and the country’s endeavors, we must not lose sight of the shortcomings in our work and the many difficulties and problems confronting us. Imbalances and inadequacies in development remain a prominent problem. There are many bottlenecks hindering high-quality development, and China’s capacity for scientific and technological innovation is not yet strong enough. Many major issues need to be resolved in order to guard against and mitigate financial risks and ensure that food, energy, and industrial and supply chains are secure and reliable. There are still many tough issues to be addressed in the reform of key areas. Quite a few challenges exist in the ideological domain. There are still wide gaps in development and income distribution between urban and rural areas, and between regions as well. Our people face many difficulties in areas such as employment, education, medical services, childcare, elderly care, and housing. Ecological conservation and environmental protection remain a formidable task. Some Party members and officials lack the strong sense of responsibility, the capacity to grapple with tough challenges, and the readiness to get down to work. Pointless formalities and bureaucratism remain rather pronounced. Eradicating breeding grounds for corruption is still an arduous task. We have already put in place a series of measures to deal with these problems, and we must redouble our efforts to see them fully resolved.
At present, momentous changes of a like not seen in a century are accelerating across the world, with the characteristics of changes in our world, our times, and history becoming more evident. China’s development faces new strategic opportunities, new strategic tasks, new strategic stages, new strategic requirements, and a new strategic environment. The risks and challenges we need to address, and the contradictions and problems we need to solve are more complex than ever before. We must therefore be more mindful of potential dangers, be prepared to deal with worst-case scenarios, strengthen our will to fight, and improve our ability to fight. By adopting the correct strategies and tactics, we can respond to changes, create new opportunities, and open up new prospects. Through tenacious struggle, we can carve out new horizons for the development of our cause.
7. Question: China still has significant wealth gaps, regional disparities between the east and west, urban-rural divides, and disparities between the spiritual and material civilizations. How can these issues be addressed in the process of Chinese modernization?
Answer: Common prosperity is an essential requirement of socialism as well as an important feature of Chinese modernization. The common prosperity we refer to is the common prosperity of all people, encompassing comprehensive improvement in both material and cultural-ethical life. It is not the prosperity of a few, nor is it uniform egalitarianism. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have placed greater emphasis on gradually achieving common prosperity for all, promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas and regions, thereby creating favorable conditions for common prosperity. At the same time, we must clearly recognize that the problems of unbalanced and inadequate development in our country remain prominent. The disparities in development and income distribution between urban and rural areas and regions are significant. Achieving common prosperity is a long-term task that requires solid and persistent efforts.
To solve the problem of unbalanced development mentioned above, we must first have an in-depth study of the goals at different stages, achieve the development by phases, and integrate common prosperity into the overall plan for building a modern socialist country. By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period, solid strides will be made towards common prosperity for all, and the gap in household income and actual consumption levels will gradually narrow. By 2035, more notable and substantial progress will be made to achieve in common prosperity for all, and equitable access to basic public services will be ensured. By the middle of this century, common prosperity for all will be basically achieved, and the gap in household income and actual consumption levels will be reduced to a reasonable range. We must promptly formulate an action plan to promote common prosperity, and propose a scientific and feasible indicator system and assessment methods that are in line with national conditions. We must proceed step by step and make the best efforts within the limits of available resources.
Second, the overall approach to solidly promoting common prosperity is as follows. We must adhere to the people-centered philosophy of development, promote common prosperity through high-quality development, and correctly handle the relationship between efficiency and fairness. We must build a foundational institutional arrangement that coordinates primary distribution, redistribution, and tertiary distribution, and increase the intensity and precision of adjustments through taxation, social security, and transfer payments. We must expand the proportion of the middle-income group, increase the income of low-income groups, regulate high incomes in a reasonable means, and ban illegal incomes. We must form an olive-shaped distribution structure with large middle and small ends, and promote social fairness and justice. We should also promote the well-rounded human development, and enable all people to steadily move towards the goal of common prosperity.
Third, efforts should be made to improve the balance, coordination, and inclusiveness of development. We should accelerate the improvement of the socialist market economy to promote more balanced, coordinated, and inclusive development. We should enhance the balance of regional development, deeply implement major regional strategies and regional coordinated development strategies, improve the system of transfer payments, reduce the disparity in per capita fiscal expenditure between regions, and increase support for underdeveloped areas. We should strengthen the coordination of industry development, accelerate the reform of monopoly industries, and promote the coordinated development of finance, real estate, and the real economy. We must support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and build an interdependent and mutually promoting ecosystem for enterprises of all sizes. We must strengthen the coordinated development of material and cultural-ethical civilizations, and comprehensively advance the Five-sphere Integrated Plan. We must firmly grasp the leadership in ideological work, promote the core socialist values, and drive the coordinated development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries.
8. Question: Some believe that Chinese modernization only involves economic strength and the living standards of the people, but does not include such elements as the implementation of the rule of law, transparency of information, social diversity and openness, or the protection of individual rights of the people. Thus it is not comprehensive modernization. How should we take this view?
Answer: Chinese modernization is a modernization of comprehensive development and progress, a true modernization that encompasses all people and all fields. The essence of Chinese modernization is the modernization of people. It adheres to the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy and the Five-sphere Integrated Plan, promotes the coordinated progress in the material, political, cultural-ethical, social, and ecological spheres, and advances the comprehensive development of people and the overall progress of society.
Firstly, Chinese modernization emphasizes that the essence of modernization is the modernization of people, a dialectical unity of the modernization of both individuals and society as a whole. It adheres to the people-centered philosophy of development, and aims to realize the modernization of people and promotes the comprehensive development of people, which are the essential characteristics, fundamental principles, and basic logic of Chinese modernization. Chinese modernization always upholds the principal status of the people, and is committed to safeguarding people’s security. It continuously ensures and improves people’s livelihood, and takes the realization, maintenance, and development of the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people as the basis and goal of all work. For Chinese modernization, the basic criteria for judging all our work is whether we have the people’s support, acceptance, satisfaction and approval.
Secondly, Chinese modernization emphasizes adhering to the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy, which is the dialectical unity of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, comprehensively deepening reform, comprehensively advancing the rule of law, and comprehensively and strictly governing the Party. The Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy is a systematic arrangement composed of one major strategic goal and three major strategic measures. It is a complex and arduous systematic project, a top-level design that is closely connected, mutually integrated, and interlinked.
Finally, in the overall layout of modernization, Chinese modernization emphasizes adhering to the Five-sphere Integrated Plan, which is the dialectical unity of economic, political, social, cultural-ethical and ecological development. The relationship between Chinese modernization and the five-sphere development is the one between system and elements, whole and parts. The five spheres of development are interconnected, mutually promoting, interdependent, and inseparable, jointly constituting the five wheels of Chinese modernization. Among them, economic development is fundamental, political development is the prerequisite, cultural-ethical development is the soul, social development is the foundation, and ecological development is the pillar. The Five-sphere Integrated Plan for Chinese modernization transcends Western modernization, the latter being marked by economic and material modernization.
9. Question: Issues such as food security, common prosperity, and the imbalance between urban and rural areas arise from China’s urbanization and industrialization process. How will they impact socio-economic development in China and the realization of modernization in the country?
Answer: Unbalanced development is a common problem in the international community, found in many countries. It exists not only within countries but also across countries and regions. Before the 1960s, when discussed internationally, the term “development” primarily referred to economic growth, with the belief that economic growth was equal to development. Under this development concept, some developing countries took industrialization and urbanization as development goals, pursuing GDP growth only while neglecting social transformation, resulting in numerous socio-economic issues such as polarization of wealth, agricultural decline, food shortages, resource scarcity, and worsening urban-rural disparities. Since the 1970s, some international scholars have reflected on the concepts of growth and development, and gradually proposed the idea of comprehensive development. This view posits that development is a people-centered, comprehensive modernization of the economy, society, and ecology, including economic growth and structural optimization.
Industrialization and urbanization are important drivers of modernization and key engines of Chinese modernization. However, to a certain extent, they have also led to a series of imbalances concerning food security, common prosperity and so on, as well as the imbalance between urban and rural areas and between agriculture and industry. As the principal contradiction in our society has changed, the issues of unbalanced and inadequate development in our country’s modernization process have become more prominent and mutually restrictive, giving rise to many new social contradictions and problems. They are the main roots of the intertwining social contradictions and issues at the current stage, limiting the overall development level of modernization.
Chinese modernization is a comprehensive modernization. Coordination is China’s potential advantage in advancing modernization and an important means to enhance overall development. In the new development stage, we will focus on addressing the issues of unbalanced and inadequate development, adhere to the theme of promoting high-quality development, and implement the new development philosophy fully, accurately, and comprehensively. We will uphold a systematic approach, integrate the requirements of promoting high-quality development into all aspects and fields of economic and social development, and properly handle the relationships between the local and the overall, the present and the long-term, and the key and the non-key areas. We will strive to promote urban-rural integration and regional coordinated development, form a development pattern characterized by economic prosperity, political democracy, cultural flourishing, social equity, and ecological well-being, thereby building our country into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.
10. Question: How should we understand the fact that the Communist Party of China has successfully led the people in blazing a new trail of Chinese modernization and created a new model of human advancement?
Answer: At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping pointed out: “As we have upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics and driven coordinated progress in material, political, cultural-ethical, social, and ecological terms, we have pioneered a new and uniquely Chinese path to modernization, and created a new model for human advancement”.
The models of human advancement are various because of their diversity, and are colorful because of their richness. There is no universal development path or model in the world. From ancient times to the present, the models of human advancement have always been rich and diverse, harmonious but different. Civilization represents the degree of development and progress of a country. In different historical periods and different types of societies, civilization exhibits different styles, forms, and levels of development, showing different intrinsic principles and value orientations. The Western model of modernization has indeed created many beneficial achievements of civilization, but it also has its inherent contradictions, drawbacks, and historical limitations. Therefore, countries that blindly copy the Western model often face various problems, and, in severe cases, even experience economic stagnation, political turmoil, cultural conflicts, and national division. Chinese modernization is neither the Soviet model nor the Western capitalist model. Instead, it represents a civilization’s continuation, evolution, and innovation. It has vividly depicted the unique laws of the Chinese civilization that have lasted continuously for five thousand years. It also represents explorations on multiple dimensions into the universal laws of human civilization, especially the revival of civilizations in developing countries and late-coming nations, as well as the universal pattern of integration and mutual learning among different civilizations in the same temporal and spatial environment.
The new model of human advancement is not only a product of the Chinese’s path to modernization, deeply demonstrating the vitality and dynamism of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also a starting point for the further development of Chinese modernization. It points out the development road, specifies the value orientation, and accumulates the driving force for the continuous advancement of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The new model of human advancement also proves that modernization is not equal to Westernization, and the choice of paths to modernization demonstrates great autonomy and diversity. It provides new possibilities for countries and nations around the world that wish to accelerate development while maintaining their independence. This is not only a manifestation of Chinese wisdom and a demonstration of Chinese strength, but also an expression of Chinese responsibility.