

2025-01-07 | 当代中国与世界研究院


1. 为什么说中国式现代化是世界发展的重大机遇? 







2. 在中国式现代化演进过程中,是否曾借鉴西方现代化发展经验?






3. 有人认为中国式现代化是基于美国领导的国际秩序和西方国家的现代化,正是因为西方国家的投资和中国窃取西方国家技术让中国走向了现代化。如何理解?





4. 一些西方国家利用“全球南方”概念,分化发展中国家阵营。如何理解实现中国式现代化和中华民族伟大复兴与全球南方发展问题的关系?




中国将始终是世界发展的重要机遇。作为一个超大规模经济体,中国将坚定推进高水平开放,扩大市场准入,缩减外资准入负面清单,提升现代服务业开放水平。我们将持续优化营商环境,落实外资企业国民待遇,打造市场化、法治化、国际化的一流营商环境,构建面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络。我们将继续推 进生态文明建设,加快建设美丽中国,积极稳妥推进碳达峰碳中和,促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型。展望未来,随着中国14亿多人口整体迈进现代化,中国必将对世界经济作出更大贡献,为各国发展提供更大空间。

5. 有人认为中国式现代化的出现和推广,就是要否定西方现代化的原则和标准,建构一套自己的现代化的标准和体系。如何理解中国式现代化是对西方现代化的超越?“超越”是否意味着中国式现代化优于西方现代化?






6. 中国式现代化创造了人类文明新形态,展现了不同于西方现代化模式的新图景。和西方文明形态相比,人类文明新形态不同在哪里,新在何处?






7. 有国外舆论称,包括日本、韩国、新加坡和中国大陆、台湾地区在内的几乎所有成功的亚洲经济体,都采用了同样的“现代化范式”来实现繁荣,所谓中国式现代化并非是中国模式。请问对此有何评价?



8. 中国式现代化的本质要求之一是坚持中国共产党领导。这是否意味着其他国家在借鉴中国式现代化时,也必须采取一党执政的政党制度?



9. 有外媒称,中国改革开放40余年,经济改革的模式只影响到越南等社会主义国家。在成为世界第二大经济体后,也没有非社会主义国家效仿中国政治体制及经济制度取得现代化的成功。因此,对于其他国家来说中国模式不可借鉴。请问对此有何回应?




Chinese Modernization and China’s Foreign Relations

1. Question: Why is Chinese modernization considered a significant opportunity for the global development? 

Answer: It has been shown that China’s development is an opportunity for the world. As the path of Chinese modernization broadens, it will see better development of China and bring more benefits to the world.

The modernization of a huge population will undoubtedly provide a stronger engine for global economic development. China has more than 1.4 billion people and over 400 million middle-income group members. This is a crucial foundation for China’s economic development and a significant opportunity for global economic development. The World Bank’s 2022 report shows that from 2013 to 2022, China’s average contribution to global economic growth was as high as 38.6%, surpassing the combined contribution of G7 countries, making China the primary driver of global economic growth.

A modernization of common prosperity for all will undoubtedly open up broader horizons for the common development of all countries. For example, the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative are public goods provided by China to the international community, and they are open platforms for achieving common development and common prosperity. From 2013 to 2022, the volume of trade in goods between China and countries along the Belt and Road increased from USD 1.04 trillion to USD 2.07 trillion, with an average annual growth rate of 8%, providing vast space for promoting common development among countries.

A modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement will undoubtedly create a brighter future for the progress of human society. The essence of modernization is the modernization of people, and the ultimate goal of modernization is to achieve the free and comprehensive development of individuals. This means not only material abundance but also cultural-spiritural richness. President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Civilization Initiative, which advocates for emphasizing civilizational inheritance and innovation, respecting the diversity of world civilizations, and adhering to civilizational equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness. The perspective on civilization embodied in Chinese modernization will offer more Chinese wisdom to world peace, prosperity, and the progress of human development.

A modernization of harmony between humanity and nature will undoubtedly provide more practical and feasible solutions to building a clean and beautiful world. In recent years, climate change, biodiversity loss, exacerbated desertification, and frequent extreme weather events have posed severe challenges to human survival and development. China adheres to sustainable development, prioritizing conservation, protection, and natural restoration. It protects nature and the ecological environment as one would protect his eyes. Notably, China has made a solemn commitment to the world to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. The transition from carbon peak to carbon neutrality will take only 30 years, which is several decades shorter than the process in the United States and the European Union.

A modernization of peaceful development will undoubtedly bring more certainty to world peace and stability. To date, China is the only country in the world to enshrine “adherence to the path of peaceful development” in its constitution, the permanent member of the UN Security Council that has dispatched the most peacekeepers, and the only nuclear-armed state to commit to a no-first-use policy. China has joined more than 20 multilateral arms control treaties and has promoted a joint statement among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to prevent nuclear war. The Global Security Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping has made a significant contribution to world peace and stability.

2. Question: In the process of the evolution of Chinese modernization, has there been any reference to the development experience of Western modernization?

Answer: Achieving modernization has been the dream that the Chinese people have pursued since modern times. The history of the Communist Party of China uniting and leading the Chinese people in pursuit of national rejuvenation for over 100 years is also a history of continuous exploration of the path to modernization. Through the relentless efforts of several generations, we have forged a path of Chinese modernization. Chinese modernization is based on our own national conditions and also draws on the experiences of other countries.

Soon after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, countries such as the Soviet Union provided substantial economic and technical assistance to China. Starting in 1950, China signed multiple agreements with the Soviet Union, and by the end of 1957, the Soviet Union had assisted China in 166 projects. The German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other countries also provided aid projects for the construction of the People’s Republic of China. The Communist Party of China proposed the goal of building a strong socialist country with modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense, and modern science and technology, leading the people in comprehensive and large-scale socialist construction. After the implementation of several five-year plans, China established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system. The conditions for agricultural production significantly changed, and there was huge progress in education, science, culture, health, and sports.

With the reform and opening-up initiated in 1978, the Communist Party of China established opening-up to the outside world as a fundamental national policy. From setting up special economic zones like Shenzhen, developing and opening up Pudong, promoting the opening up of coastal, border, river, and inland central cities, to joining the World Trade Organization, from “bringing in” to “going out”, China has fully utilized both international and domestic markets and resources. The purpose is to learn from and absorb the beneficial experiences of modernization from various countries. By continuously advancing reform and opening-up, China has achieved a historic transformation from a highly centralized planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy, and from a closed or semi-closed state to comprehensive openness.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has placed greater emphasis on learning and absorbing beneficial experiences from the modernization of various other countries. It has proactively promoted high-level and institutional opening-up, accelerated the establishment of a new open economic system. It has made significant progress in the Belt and Road Initiative, the independent opening-up, the implementation of the free trade zone strategy, and the cultivation of new competitive advantages in foreign trade.

Modernization is not the exclusive property of a few countries, nor is it a single choice of either A or B. It cannot be a simple, uniform, “copy-paste” approach. For a country to achieve modernization, it must not only follow the general laws of modernization but also base itself on its own national conditions and have its own characteristics. The people of the country have the most say in determining what kind of modernization is most suitable for them. Although we have drawn on the modernization experiences of various other countries, Chinese modernization is a significant achievement obtained through arduous efforts and great sacrifices over the long years of exploration and practice with our Party leading the people of all ethnic groups in the country. We must cherish it, adhere to it, and continuously expand and deepen it.

3. Question: Some allege that Chinese modernization is based on the international order led by the United States as well as the modernization of Western countries. They argue that it is the investment from Western countries and China’s theft of Western technology that have led China to modernization. To what extent do we agree or disagree?

Answer: The modernization process of Western developed countries is a serial linear development process, following the sequence of industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, and informatization. It has taken more than two hundred years for them to reach the current level of development. The fact that China must catch up with the West and recover the “lost two hundred years” determines that our development will inevitably be a parallel process, with industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization developing concurrently. It is mistaken to conclude that Chinese modernization is entirely attributable to the investment from Western countries, or that China “stole” technology from Western countries, just because China completed within a few decades the industrialization process on which developed countries spent hundreds of years.

From the perspective of investment relations, we can see that China and other countries around the world benefit mutually from each other. While China receives investments from other countries around the world, it has also made investments across the globe. In terms of scale, from 2013 to 2021, China’s outward foreign direct investment (FDI) exceeded USD 1.3 trillion in total, with an average annual growth rate of 6.5%, consistently ranking among the top three in the world. As of the end of 2021, the stock of China’s outward FDI was USD 2.8 trillion, accounting for 6.7% of the global stock at that time and increasing by 4.4 % from 2012, rising to the 3rd position. In terms of distribution, China’s outward FDI covers 190 countries (regions) worldwide, with approximately 46,000 overseas enterprises established, including over 11,000 enterprises in countries along the Belt and Road. From 2013 to 2021, China’s cumulative FDI amounted to USD 164 billion in countries along the Belt and Road, which have become important destinations for Chinese enterprises’ outbound investment. The high-quality development of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones has become an important carrier for the integrated development of trade and investment. It has created tax revenues and driven employment locally, helping many developing countries accelerate their development, and bringing tangible benefits to the local people.

From the perspective of technological relationships, we can see that it is inappropriate to accuse China of forced technology transfer in violation of contractual spirit. The technology transfer between China and the United States or other developed countries during their cooperation stems from the voluntary technology transfer and industrial relocation by enterprises from developed countries driven by profit maximization considerations. The product life cycle theory indicates that any product will experience a life cycle from prosperity to decline due to the application of new technologies. While multinational companies strive to develop new technologies, they need to continuously transfer outdated or standardized technologies to developing countries to extend the profitability period of old technologies, free up space and resources for new technology development and application, and indirectly share R&D costs. Therefore, technology transfer and licensing are common models for business cooperation. Since the 1990s, American companies such as Microsoft, Intel, Qualcomm, Procter & Gamble, General Electric, and Lucent have successively established R&D institutions in China to better adapt to and expand the Chinese market. For many years, American enterprises in China have gained huge profits through technology transfer and licensing, making them the biggest beneficiaries of technological cooperation. In the cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises, the Chinese government does not mandate foreign-invested enterprises to transfer technology. The technological cooperation and other economic and trade collaborations between Chinese and foreign enterprises are entirely contractual actions based on voluntary principles, from which both parties have gained tangible benefits. Moreover, equity cooperation in certain sectors in China aligns with China’s international obligations, as well as international norms and practices, and thus should not be confused with “forced technology transfer”. Additionally, over recent years, China has continuously relaxed equity restrictions on foreign investment, thereby expanding the freedom of choice for foreign enterprises. In this process, equity cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises has continued to deepen, which is entirely based on the free choice of both parties driven by commercial considerations.

The accusations of China “stealing” advanced technology are slanders against its scientific and technological progress. The Chinese nation is a diligent, wise, and creative one. The Chinese government places great emphasis on the development of science, technology, and education. China’s scientific and technological progress is the result of the long-term implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education and the innovation-driven development strategy. It is the fruit of the hard work of all the people, especially scientists and technicians. Since 2000, China’s total R&D expenditure has grown at an average annual rate of nearly 20%. Total R&D expenditure increased from 1 trillion yuan in 2012 to 3.09 trillion yuan in 2022, and the R&D investment intensity rose from 1.91% to 2.55% during this period. The investment in basic research increased from 49.9 billion yuan in 2012 to about 195.1 billion yuan in 2022, with its proportion of total R&D expenditure rising from 4.8% to 6.3%. The total number of R&D personnel increased from 3.25 million man-years in 2012 to an estimated over 6 million man-years in 2022, maintaining the world’s top position for many years. China’s proportion of the world’s top 0.1% most cited papers accounted for 41.7%, and that of the highly cited papers accounted for 27.3%. In the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Global Innovation Index 2022 ranking, China rose from the 22nd place in 2016 to the 11th place. Former U.S. Treasury Secretary and renowned economist Larry Summers said: “You ask me where China’s technological progress is coming from. It’s coming from terrific entrepreneurs who are getting the benefit from huge government investment in basic science. It’s coming from an educational system that’s privileging excellence, concentrating on science and technology. That’s where their leadership is coming from, not from taking a stake in some US company.”

4. Question: Some Western countries use the concept of the Global South to divide the camp of developing countries. How should we understand the relationship between achieving Chinese modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the one hand, and the development of the Global South on the other?

Answer: As a developing country and a member of the Global South, China has always shared the same breath and destiny with other developing countries, firmly safeguarding their common interests, and promoting the increase of representation and voice of emerging market countries and developing countries in global affairs.

Most emerging or developing countries have emerged from the historical quagmire of colonialism. They have gone through untold hardships and made great sacrifices to achieve national independence, and have continuously explored a development path that suits their own national conditions. Ultimately, everything they do is to enable their people to live a happy life. In today’s era, the collective rise of emerging market and developing countries, represented by the BRICS, is fundamentally changing the world map. Over the past 20 years, emerging market and developing countries have contributed up to 80% of the world’s economic growth. Over the past 40 years, their share of the global GDP has increased from 24% to over 40%.

In 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past decade, China and countries along the Belt and Road have achieved fruitful results in jointly building the Belt and Road. The World Bank report shows that the joint construction of the Belt and Road has increased trade among participants by 4.1%, foreign investment by 5%, and the GDP of low-income countries by 3.4%. Benefiting from the construction of the Belt and Road, emerging markets and developing countries saw their GDP share of the global total increasing by 3.6 percentage points from 2012 to 2021. According to World Bank estimates, by 2030, the joint construction of the Belt and Road will generate USD 1.6 trillion in annual benefits globally, accounting for 1.3% of the global GDP. From 2015 to 2030, 7.6 million people will be lifted out of absolute poverty, and 32 million people out of moderate poverty as a result.

China will always be an important opportunity for global development. As a super-scale economy, China will firmly promote high-level opening-up, expand market access, reduce the negative list for foreign investment, and enhance the level of openness in the modern service industry. It will continue to optimize the business environment, and implement national treatment for foreign-funded enterprises. It will create a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized, and build a high-standard free trade zone network that is globally orientated. It will continue to advance ecological development, and accelerate the building of Beautiful China. It will actively and steadily promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and promote a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. Looking ahead, as its population of over 1.4 billion people collectively advances towards modernization, China is bound to make a greater contribution to the world economy and provide more opportunities for the development of other countries.

5. Question: Some believe that the emergence and promotion of Chinese modernization is intended to negate the principles and standards of Western modernization and to construct its own set of standards and systems for modernization. How should we understand that Chinese modernization transcends Western modernization? Does “transcend” mean that Chinese modernization is superior to Western modernization?

Answer: There is neither a single model of modernization that is universally applicable nor a set of standards that can suit all countries in the world. While Chinese modernization transcends Western modernization, this transcendence is prominently reflected in the unique characteristics of Chinese modernization.

The biggest drawback of Western modernization is that it centers on capital rather than people, pursuing the maximization of capital interests rather than serving the interests of the vast majority. This has led to a large wealth gap and severe polarization. Some developing countries, during their modernization process, have come close to the threshold of developed countries but have then fallen into the middle-income trap, remaining stagnant for a long time or even regressing severely. One important reason is the failure to address issues such as polarization and class solidification. Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all. This is the essential characteristic of Chinese modernization and a notable mark of its significant distinction from Western modernization.

In the early modernization of the West, there was both wealth accumulation and a loss of faith replaced by rampant materialism. Today, Western countries are increasingly in trouble, one important reason being the inability to curb the greedy nature of capital and to solve the chronic issues of inflated materialism and cultural impoverishment. Chinese modernization is a modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement. It aims for both great material wealth and abundant cultural-ethical advancement, with confidence and strength in ideology and culture. This is the noble pursuit of Chinese modernization.

Since modern times, the modernization of Western countries have mostly undergone a stage of wanton exploitation of natural resources and massive damage to the environment. While creating tremendous material wealth, this has also caused environmental pollution, resource depletion, and other serious problems. On the part of China, our per capita energy and resource endowment is far from sufficient, and we face greater energy, resource and environmental constraints as we accelerate our development. This makes it impossible for us to follow the old path of the Western modernization. Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature. Respecting, adapting to, and protecting nature and preserving harmony between humanity and nature constitute a distinctive feature of Chinese modernization.

The modernization of Western countries was fraught with wars, slave trade, colonization, and plundering, bringing immense suffering to many developing countries. The Chinese nation has experienced the tragic history of invasion and humiliation by Western powers, and thus deeply understands the value of peace. It will never repeat the old path of Western countries. Chinese modernization is a modernization of peaceful development. Adhering to peaceful development, China explores its own development while firmly safeguarding world peace and development, better maintains world peace and development through its own development, and promotes the building of a global community with a shared future for mankind. This is a prominent feature of Chinese modernization.

6. Question: Chinese modernization has created a new model of human advancement, showcasing a new landscape different from the Western modernization model. How is the new model of human advancement different from the Western civilization? And what is new about it?

Answer: Chinese modernization is deeply rooted in fine traditional Chinese culture, and embodies the advanced essence of scientific socialism. Drawing on all outstanding achievements of human civilization, it represents the development direction of progress of human civilization. It is a completely new form of human advancement, showcasing a new landscape different from the Western modernization model.

The new model of human advancement is reflected in the advanced nature of the leading force. Chinese modernization is led by the Communist Party of China. The reason for emphasizing the Party’s leadership position in Chinese modernization is that the Party’s leadership directly determines the fundamental direction, future destiny, and ultimate success of Chinese modernization. In stark contrast to the infighting, partisan bias, inconsistent policies, and frequent policy reversals seen in some capitalist countries, the CPC has always adhered to its original mission, consistently aligning long-term ideals with short-term goals. Once a goal is set, we remain steadfast and committed to its realization, following a single blueprint to the end. The Party’s advanced nature determines the inevitability of creating a new path of Chinese modernization and a model form of human advancement.

The new model of human advancement is also reflected in how Chinese modernization breaks the misconception that modernization equals Westernization, dispels the mindset of defining modernization solely by Western civilization, and offers a new model to the spectrum of human civilization, providing a new solution to its development. Many people in the West are accustomed to viewing China as a modern nation-state through the lens of Western modernization theory, rather than approaching China from the perspective of its more than five thousand years of civilization. This makes it difficult to truly understand China’s past, present, and future. The unique perspectives on the world, values, history, civilization, democracy, and ecology encapsulated in Chinese modernization, as well as their exceptional implementation, demonstrate a significant innovation in the theory and practice of global modernization. The ideas such as “the world is for the public”, “the people are the foundation of the state”, “the unity of heaven and man”, “self-improvement”, and “great virtue accommodates all things” are cultural genes embedded in the Chinese civilization that has a history of over five thousand years. These are rooted in the DNA of the Chinese people. Such ideas have laid the foundation of inner motivation for Chinese modernization and a new model of human advancement.

The new model of human advancement is more reflected in drawing on all the outstanding achievements of human civilization. Chinese modernization highlights the strong inclusiveness of the Chinese civilization and demonstrates the vision and responsibility of the Communist Party of China as the world’s largest Marxist ruling party. The Communist Party of China is willing to conduct exchanges with political parties in various other countries and learn from their modernization experiences, thereby jointly enriching the paths to modernization and better seeking happiness for the people of their own countries and around the world. At present, human civilization is at a complex crossroad, facing the choice between adhering to the law of the jungle and zero-sum game on the one hand, and insisting on open cooperation and mutual benefit on the other. It has become a choice that all countries in the world must make. Chinese modernization upholds the concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness among civilizations. It will surely transcend civilizational alienation through exchanges, overcome civilizational conflicts through mutual learning, and transcend civilizational superiority through coexistence, injecting vigorous vitality into the development of human civilization.

Chinese Modernization and Its Significance

7. Question: Some foreign media claim that almost all successful Asian economies, including Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China’s mainland and Taiwan region, have adopted the same modernization paradigm to achieve prosperity. They argue that Chinese modernization is not a unique Chinese model. What is your comment on this?

Answer: The development process of human society is full of twists and turns, and the journey of various countries and regions exploring modernization is fraught with hardships. Achieving modernization is a common pursuit of people in all countries, but each country has its different historical heritage, cultural traditions, and basic national conditions. In the world, there are not only the modernization models of Western Europe and the United States, but also the modernization paradigms of Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China’s Taiwan, as well as the path of Chinese modernization. Chinese modernization has both the elements common to the modernization processes in all countries or regions. But it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context. Therefore, the existence of certain common characteristics in the modernization paths of different countries or regions cannot be used to obliterate the unique Chinese characteristics.

First, Chinese modernization is one of a huge population. The population of 1.4 billion people surpasses the combined population of existing developed countries. China’s transition to a modern society, therefore, is fundamentally reshaping the global landscape of modernization. This is a significant event with far-reaching implications in human history. Second, Chinese modernization is one of common prosperity for all. Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Chinese modernization adheres to a people-centered development philosophy, proactively addressing regional disparities, urban-rural gaps, and income distribution differences to promote social equity and justice. It aims to gradually achieve common prosperity for all and resolutely prevent polarization. Third, Chinese modernization is one of material and cultural-ethical advancement. Chinese modernization adheres to core socialist values, strengthens education on ideals and beliefs, and promotes fine traditional Chinese culture. It enhances the cultural-ethical strength of the people, and promotes the comprehensive enrichment of materials and the well-rounded development of people. Fourth, Chinese modernization is one of harmony between humanity and nature. Chinese modernization emphasizes the simultaneous progress in both material and ecological advancement, following a path of development that ensures economic growth, affluent living, and a good ecological environment. Otherwise, the pressure on resources and the environment would be unbearable. Fifth, Chinese modernization is the one of peaceful development. Some old capitalist countries followed the path of violent plunder and colonization, achieving modernization at the expense of other countries' backwardness. Chinese modernization emphasizes mutual benefit and win-win cooperation with countries around the world, promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and striving to contribute to global peace and development.

8. Question: One of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization is to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Does this mean that other countries must adopt a one-party ruling system when learning from Chinese modernization?

Answer: The success of Chinese modernization lies in its alignment with China’s realities, reflecting the will of the Chinese people, and meeting the demands of the times. It is a modernization path independently explored by the CPC, rooted in the Chinese context. Chinese modernization has the elements common to the modernization processes in all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most distinctive feature and the greatest advantage of Chinese modernization. It is the highest principle that must be upheld to advance Chinese modernization. The leadership of the Communist Party of China determines the fundamental nature of Chinese modernization, and ensures that Chinese modernization remains anchored to its goals and progresses steadily. It stimulates strong momentum for building Chinese modernization, and unites the powerful forces for its construction. Only by unwaveringly adhering to the Party’s leadership can Chinese modernization have a bright and prosperous future. Otherwise, it will deviate from its course, lose its essence, and even lead to subversive mistakes.

Whether the path a country takes is viable depends on whether it aligns with its national conditions and follows the trend of the times. It also depends on whether it brings economic development, improves people’s livelihood, ensures social stability, gains the support and endorsement of the people, and contributes to the progress of humanity. Achieving modernization is a common pursuit of people in all countries, but each country’s historical heritage, cultural traditions, and basic national conditions are different. A country’s path to modernization must not only follow the general rules of modernization but also be based on its own national conditions and have its own characteristics. Other countries, when drawing on the experience of Chinese modernization, do not necessarily have to adopt a one-party ruling system. On the contrary, the people of a country have the right to determine what kind of modernization is most suitable for them. Developing countries have the right and the ability to independently explore modernization paths with their own characteristics based on their national conditions. We must firmly grasp the destiny of national development and progress in our own hands, respect and support the independent choice of development paths by the people of all countries, and jointly create a kaleidoscopic picture of modernization in human society.

9. Question: Some foreign media claim that China’s reform and opening-up over the past forty years or more have only influenced socialist countries like Vietnam in terms of economic reform models. Since China became the world’s second-largest economy, no non-socialist country has achieved success in modernization by emulating China’s political system and economic system. Therefore, other countries cannot learn from the Chinese model. What is your response to this?

Answer: The significance of Chinese modernization for other countries does not lie in their copying the political system or the economic model. For a country to achieve modernization, it must follow the general rules of modernization while also basing itself on its own national conditions and having its own unique characteristics. The reason why Chinese modernization has been successful is that it aligns with China’s realities, reflects the will of the Chinese people, and meets the demands of the times. It is a path of modernization that the Communist Party of China has explored independently, rooted in Chinese soil. On the path of Chinese modernization, we have created a new form of human advancement, expanded the pathways for developing countries to achieve modernization, and provided a new option for nations around the world that wish to accelerate development while maintaining their independence.

The development model of Chinese modernization profoundly influences many developing countries. In particular, a series of experiences in China, such as comprehensive poverty alleviation and green economic transformation, address the needs of some non-socialist countries. For example, Ethiopia, despite having a different system from China, has learned from China’s economic systems and practices, such as state-owned enterprises, opening up to the outside world, and special economic zones in the economic development model. Since 1991, Ethiopia has begun to use infrastructure construction and manufacturing as breakthroughs for opening up to the outside world and attracting foreign investment, and has become one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa. Kenya has drawn on China’s economic development model and governance model, embarking on the path of industrialization and modernization. It has established special economic zones, industrial parks, and export processing zones to attract foreign investment. In September 2015, Kenya passed the first economic zone bill in its national history, promoting the establishment of economic zones and accelerating its industrialization process.

History has shown that over the past century, the Communist Party of China has been seeking not only happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation but also progress for humanity and harmony for the world. Through unremitting efforts, it has profoundly changed the trend and pattern of world development. Chinese modernization emphasizes mutual benefit and win-win cooperation with countries around the world, promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and striving to contribute to global peace and development. The Communist Party of China has contributed Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese strength to solving major problems of humanity and to building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. It has thereby become an important force in promoting the development and progress of humanity. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has participated in global governance with unprecedented breadth, depth, and intensity. It has contributed to Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions, and demonstrated Chinese responsibility, injecting positive energy into a world full of uncertainties, and offering new choices for humanity to achieve modernization.