2025-01-07 | 当代中国与世界研究院
1. Question: There are 30 Luban Workshops in 25 countries worldwide, offering a range of skills training programs. However, some argue that certain training programs are tailored for the BRI projects, aimed at enhancing China’s hard and soft power, rather than out of pure goodwill. What is your response to this?
Answer: The current vocational education environment in developing countries urgently needs improvement. The report, Building Better Formal TVET Systems: Principles and Practices in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, released by UNESCO, points out that the technical and vocational education and training systems in many low and middle-income countries do not match their skills and labor market demands. China also encountered the issue of insufficient local skilled labor during the initial infrastructure construction in countries jointly building the Belt and Road. Low and middle-income countries spend less than 0.2% of their GDP on vocational education and training. Due to weak learners’ foundation, a shortage of teachers, and the dearth of incentives for training institutions, training often fails to achieve the desired outcomes. Establishing the Luban Workshops is therefore a timely and effective response to this issue.
Over the ten years since the BRI was launched, the Luban Workshops have got fruitful and significant results. Luban Workshops have received huge progress through a rich and diverse creation model. Currently, the number of workshops has reached 27, covering 25 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. The brand influence of Luban Workshop continues to rise both domestically and internationally.
Luban Workshops have effectively improved the local vocational education environment, and have been recognized in the national education and economic systems of the cooperating countries. The workshops have been established by the African Union headquarters as high-quality skills training centers for all African countries. They have signed agreements with the EASTRIP World Bank project center to train high-level vocational teachers for East African countries. The workshops have promoted the international practice of the training system involving teaching, training, research, and competition. With their help, Ethiopia achieved outstanding results in the 2021 World Robot Contest Championship, winning one gold, two silver, and two bronze medals. This marked a double breakthrough for Ethiopia in participating and winning awards in world-class skills competitions. Currently, among the 27 established Luban Workshops, more than 3,200 people are participating in academic education, with training scales exceeding 11,000 people. An increasing number of teachers from participating countries have mastered new and more comprehensive professional and practical skills through training.
The establishment of Luban Workshops has rapidly enhanced the influence of participating countries in regional vocational education and training. Since its establishment in 2016, the Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Technical College in Thailand, the birthplace of the world’s first Luban Workshop, has rapidly improved its software and hardware levels, quickly becoming a leader in vocational and technical education in Thailand and even Southeast Asia. It has trained more than 1,000 technical and skilled personnel in Thailand, with an employment rate close to 100%. Over the past 7 years, it has not only received more than 10,000 visiting teachers and students from over 50 vocational schools in Thailand, but also attracted hundreds of students from Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, and other countries to receive training, many of whom have won awards in ASEAN vocational skills competitions.
Luban Workshops have advanced the cooperation between China and participating countries in vocational education, promoting the organic integration of the BRI’s hard connectivity, soft connectivity, and people-to-people connectivity. Through the training of highly skilled vocational workers, Luban Workshops have provided localized technical support for the hard connectivity of infrastructure in participating countries, sustainable human resources for the soft connectivity of infrastructure-related rules, and conceptual support for the development and win-win cooperation between the people of China and participating countries. By gaining professional skills, participating countries have achieved personal growth, family improvement, and national prosperity, which reflects the principles of “extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits” in building the Belt and Road.
2. Question: Data shows that in China’s overseas loans, lending to middle-income countries accounts for the largest proportion, while loans to low-income countries account for only about one-fifth of the total. What considerations does China have for this uneven distribution of loans?
Answer: China has always maintained a positive attitude towards providing loans to low and middle-income countries, especially to low-income ones. Due to different development stages, needs, and debt repayment capacities of middle-income and low-income countries, the proportions of loans provided by China will vary.
Despite the widespread debt repayment difficulties in most low-income countries, China still extends a helping hand. Over the past 15 years, more than 100 countries globally have borrowed from China to undertake infrastructure projects, including almost all of the low-income countries. In addition, China has been providing an increasing number of emergency loans to low and middle-income countries, especially to low-income ones.
However, as we have observed, the United States, as the world’s largest economy and the leader of the international financial system, is posing threats to global financial stability in multiple ways, given its economic policies. Since 2022, affected by the Federal Reserve’s aggressive interest rate hikes, many low-income countries have faced the triple pressures of capital outflow, currency depreciation, and rising interest rates. They have also had the dual shocks of food crises and high energy prices. All these have worsened their debt situations. According to the International Monetary Fund, the debt burden of middle-income developing countries is at its highest level in 30 years. Of the 69 low-income countries, more than half are in debt distress or are at high risk. If the dollar liquidity tightens further or the financial risks in the United States continue to spread, which leads to a decline in global risk-taking capacities and triggers capital outflows from low and middle-income countries, more of these countries will face challenges economically.
3. Question: The European Union has launched the Global Gateway Initiative, and the United States, along with its allies, has successively introduced the initiatives of Blue Dot Network, Build Back Better World, and Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. These initiatives are seen as attempts to counter the influence of the BRI. How does the Chinese side view the prospects of those initiatives?
Answer: Over the past decade, China has effectively promoted the rapid development of infrastructure construction in partner countries through the BRI, attracting global attention. The BRI has driven nearly a trillion dollars in investment, conducting over 3,000 cooperative projects, while creating nearly 420,000 jobs in participating countries. According to a report released by the World Bank, the implementation of the BRI has reduced the average transportation time for trade between participating economies by 4%, lowered trade costs by 3.5%, increased trade volume between participating countries by 9.7%, and helped 32 million people escape moderate poverty while raising average incomes.
China has always believed that dialogue rather than confrontation, win-win cooperation rather than zero-sum games, and strengthening equal cooperation among countries are the best ways to solve global infrastructure construction problems. According to a World Bank report, from now on until 2040, there is a USD 94 billion investment demand in the global infrastructure sector, with a current gap of nearly USD 18 billion. There is still significant room for global infrastructure cooperation. From the outset, the BRI has regarded third-party market cooperation as an important component. Over the past decade, more than 300 companies from developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany have participated in Belt and Road infrastructure cooperation.
We have noticed that over recent years, the US, Europe and some other countries have successively launched initiatives such as the Blue Dot Network, Global Gateway, Build Back Better World (B3W), Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), and the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). We hope that the proposed initiatives or plans meet the common aspirations of people for peace and development, rather than being proposed to counter other initiatives. The BRI is an open platform, and we welcome all parties to join it at any time. At the same time, we hope that connectivity initiatives proposed by other countries will also uphold an open attitude and not form closed small circles. China is willing to align with all connectivity initiatives and jointly explore cooperation beneficial to developing countries.
4. Question: In June 2023, U.S. President Joe Biden publicly stated at a press conference with the British prime minister that “the Belt and Road Initiative turns out to be a debt and confiscation program. Not going very far.” What is your response to this?
Answer: The relevant remarks by the U.S. side are intended to smear the BRI and sow discord between China and the participating countries. Since the BRI was proposed ten years ago, the levels of policy coordination, facility connectivity, trade facilitation, financial integration, and people-to-people bond between China and other participating countries have significantly improved. In terms of trade, from 2013 to 2022, the volume of trade in goods between China and the participating countries of the BRI expanded from USD 1.04 trillion to USD 2.07 trillion, with an average annual growth of 8%. In terms of investment, from 2013 to 2022, the cumulative two-way investment between China and the BRI participating countries has exceeded USD 270 billion. As of the end of 2022, Chinese enterprises have cumulatively invested USD 57.13 billion in overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in the participating countries, creating 421,000 local jobs. In terms of project construction, from 2013 to 2022, the value of new contracts signed and the revenue completed by China in the participating countries exceeded USD 1.2 trillion and USD 800 billion respectively, accounting for more than half of China's total overseas contracted projects. It can be said that the Belt and Road cooperation has become a “development belt” and “a road of happiness” that benefits all countries and the world, with significant and tangible practical significance and development potentials.
The Belt and Road cooperation adheres to the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits, and follows the path of common development and win-win cooperation. As of June 2023, China has signed over 200 cooperation documents for jointly building the Belt and Road with 152 countries and 32 international organizations. The continuous expansion of the circle of friends for the Belt and Road cooperation reflects the international community’s interest, enthusiasm, and confidence in the initiative. We hope the the U.S. can be rational and objective in recognizing the significant achievements of the Belt and Road cooperation and its major significance to the international community, stop stigmatizing and demonizing the initiative, and stop using the BRI slander and defamation as a political tool to contain and suppress China. At the same time, we also welcome all sovereign states, including the United States, to participate in the Belt and Road cooperation in an appropriate manner.
5. Question: Recently, Michael McCaul, Chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, claimed that China received almost zero-interest loans from the World Bank as a developing country and then lent these loans to ‘genuine developing countries’ through the BRI, causing them to fall into a debt trap. What is your comment on this viewpoint?
Answer: Mr. Michael McCaul’s statement lacks basic financial knowledge and logic, and the viewpoint on the debt trap issue is entirely a slander against China.
First of all, it is a clear fact that China is still a developing country. Although it has become the world’s second-largest economy, it has a huge population and in 2021, China’s per capita gross national income ranked 68th in the world. Its Human Development Index ranked 79th globally, comparable to the rankings of major developing countries. Within China, there are still significant regional and urban-rural development gaps. Its various indicators still have considerable disparities compared to developed countries. China’s status as a developing country has a solid basis in international law. This status has been recognized by international organizations or treaties, including the World Trade Organization, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, and this is accepted by the majority of the international community.
Secondly, McCaul’s remarks lack basic financial knowledge. In the past decade, the global interest rate curve has been hovering at low levels as a major trend. The interest rate range in some Western countries once approached zero or even negative values, and the fact that the interest rate of World Bank loans was almost zero is an inevitable result of this major trend. In addition, the World Bank has strict asset deployment management processes, while McCaul’s remarks show his ignorance of the World Bank’s asset management methods.
Finally, in the process of promoting the joint building of the Belt and Road, China has always adhered to international practices and the principle of debt sustainability, promoting the establishment of a stable in the long run, sustainable, and risk-controllable investment and financing system. China has always adhered to the principle of economic and social benefits, providing loans for project construction based on the actual situation of the host country. It has been careful not to create new debt burdens, new debt risks, or fiscal burdens for the host country. With the strong support of Chinese investment, through participating in the joint building of the Belt and Road, the debt risk prevention and control capabilities of the participating countries have been greatly enhanced. China and 29 other countries jointly approved the Guiding Principles on Financing the Development of the Belt and Road, helping participating countries improve their debt management capabilities. In contrast, since March 2022, a certain country has been engaged in aggressive interest rate hikes, leading to increased debt burdens for developing countries, dragging them into debt traps. This requires attention and vigilance.
6. Question: A research report from Germany shows that the average interest rate on loans from Chinese financial institutions to African countries is 3.2%, while the average interest rate required by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other countries from African borrowers is 1.1%. China’s relatively high interest rates have exacerbated the debt repayment pressure on African countries. What is your response to this?
Answer: Such claims are clearly incorrect. The authors of this report did not conduct a comprehensive study on China’s aid to Africa. Firstly, China’s aid to Africa comes in various forms. Currently, China’s aid funds to Africa mainly come in three types: grants, interest-free loans, and concessional loans. Among these, grants and interest-free loans are the primary methods. As a developing country, while committed to its own development, China provides assistance to other economically challenged developing countries within its capacity, thus undertaking corresponding international obligations.
Secondly, China’s aid to Africa comes without any attached political conditions. China has long adhered to the basic principles of equality, mutual benefit, pragmatism, and friendship, consolidating China-Africa solidarity and cooperation, while promoting the building of a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era. In the face of the debts to China that are due, the Chinese side has adopted a responsible attitude in handling them. For example, on August 18, 2022, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced at the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) that the Chinese side would waive 23 interest-free loan debts of 17 African countries due to China by the end of 2021.
Thirdly, China’s aid to Africa helps to increase the inherent force driving the development in African countries. By “teaching them how to fish”, China is helping them to solve their debt problems in a fundamental way. Over recent years, the Chinese government has always been closely following the food security of African countries, encouraging Chinese enterprises to invest in African agricultural production and processing, helping them to achieve food self-sufficiency. China has actively participated in major infrastructure construction in Africa through various means such as financing, investment, and aid. At the same time, it has continued to expand imports from Africa, supporting the development and growth of African agriculture and manufacturing. It has also expanded cooperation in emerging industries such as digital economy, health, and green low-carbon sectors. With the help of Chinese enterprises, African farmers have made significant progress in creating jobs, alleviating poverty and becoming better-off.
Fourthly, the debt pressure on African countries is more attributable to the irresponsible monetary policies of a certain major power. Since March 2022, the Federal Reserve has conducted aggressive rate hikes, resulting in a significant tightening of global liquidity and an accelerated return of capital from overseas markets to the United States. According to the data from the Institute of International Finance (IIF), by July 2022, emerging markets had experienced a net capital outflow for five consecutive months, marking the longest period of net outflows since 2005. As the Federal Reserve continues to tighten its policies, some vulnerable economies are caught in a vicious cycle of significant currency depreciation, short-term capital outflows, and plummeting asset prices. Against the backdrop of tightening external financing conditions and rising external debt repayment pressures, many developing countries and emerging economies are on the brink of debt insolvency.
7. Question: It is reported that Zambia has reached an agreement with Chinese and Western creditors to extend the repayment period of the USD 6.3 billion in loans. As the negotiations took more than 18 months, the United States has accused the Chinese government of obstructing the progress. What is your comment on this?
Answer: Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic downturn, the issue of debt defaults in developing countries has become a focal point in international finance. In 2020, Zambia became the first African country to default on its debt after the COVID-19 pandemic. The debt structure of Zambia is complex. China accounted for less than one-third, while commercial creditors and multilateral financial institutions from the West account for 70%. Alleviating Zambia’s debt pressure should be a shared responsibility of the creditors, and all parties need to engage in thorough and comprehensive negotiations to resolve and ease Zambia’s debt burden.
As a friendly nation, China was the first international official creditor to take debt relief actions for Zambia. Later, as the co-chair of Zambia’s Creditor Committee, China successfully promoted the holding of three meetings. In June 2023, China and Western creditors reached an agreement with the Zambian government. According to the new agreement, Zambia’s USD 6.3 billion loan will enter a 20-year repayment period, with an additional 3-year grace period. This is another vivid demonstration of China’s image as a responsible major power. The U.S. should stop shirking responsibility and consciously take responsibility for causing the high debts in the world.